Arizona is ranked as 3rd in growth in 2018-2019 with over 120,000 new residents. More than double the new residents in California. States like New York and Illinois are losing residents each year.

Arizona is just behind Florida and Texas, states that has no income tax.  Over half million people have moved to Arizona since 2015. Also ranked 4th in economic momentum.

Phoenix is 5th largest and the fastest growing city in the United States. The contributing factors are:

  • They are the first in the nation to have a universal recognition of out-of- state occupational licenses. Making it easy for licensed professionals to make the transition to Arizona.
  • The Arizona tech job growth is 20% higher than the national average, with over 5.5% tech job growth in just the last year.
  • Over 29.5% of postsecondary graduates in these fields are now staying in Arizona.

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